Friday, August 29, 2014

Week: #2 -- Project Selection

At last the second quarter moon concludes. In this time period so far we have learned more in depth about roles in projects we will begin soon, have taken vital safety tests and communications for not becoming "disposed" in the workshop, and have learned some of the new tools and items to be used in our endeavors. The AutoCAD program was also demonstrated and used during the quarter moon, as grasping the basics was mandatory if we want to do future designs. As an addition, we have obtained two new students. Exciting, to say the least!

I have also received new hardware glasses and show particular zeal in the ear-muffs. Interestingly, they deflect all sound and make everything sound as if it is in a vacuum. Odd indeed, though the astronomer in me is rather giddy about in. Silly, I know. 

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