CAD (Computer Aided Design) class has begun officially as the first quarter moon comes to, paradoxically, a close. Not much progress has occurred in the class minus the rudimentary start-of-term notices and safety guidelines. Such parameters include how the course will work, course aims, safety in the working environments, and the assigning of specialists to particular projects. I am quite looking forward to designing and building the "computer island" as it has been coined. I am in extreme anticipation to begin drawing graphs and and prototypes. I have many ideas for this particular project and cannot emphasize how eager I am to start. Welding will most likely prove mandatory to my list of life skills. I wish to add it.
However, I do not look forward to the garden and hydroponics as much. I spent my whole summer already performing such tasks. I am resentful to it. Time will tell if my mood changes, hm?
~Dr. Novae
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