Friday, November 21, 2014

Week #14 -- Companion Complications and Trailer Tribulations

Week fourteen is going, going...gone! Thus ends the week before Thanksgiving Break. All students are ultimately looking forward to a much needed rest from school (teachers, too). However, this week was full of exciting work, too. Monday watching the show Modern Marvels: Aluminum. This video gave all students an overview on the history, properties, and value of aluminum in modern society. I was assisting someone on Tuesday, and was not present. Thursday involved using AutoCAD to make a base/trailer for the cabin itself. I was called once more for a meeting in the office, therefore I didn't get very far. I also got assigned to a companion project: Fire Pits!

This week's essential question was: what makes aluminum so special?

Aluminum is a very light metal with many varying uses and applications. It has a relatively melting point and can be easily compressed into thin sheets . It can be used for the outer shell of cars, crumpling easy for increased driver protection. It is also very lightweight, thus increasing mileage on vehicles. It can also be used as aluminum foil, to keep microbes and germs out of food and keep it fresh for extended periods of time. 

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