Friday, September 26, 2014

Week: #6 -- Project Progressions

The sixth week concludes in much the same frame as its predecessor. This week, we completed a multitude of objectives. First, we all participated in a special challenge, called the Small Part Challenge, proposed by Mr. Smith. He drew up a small, random part and instructed us on certain steps, using AutoCAD, on how to copy the part. The next day, we went at it and tried our skill with the program to achieve completion. If we knew other methods, we were allowed to use them in the challenge. I must state that I found it rather joyous and intriguing, testing my skill. We also furthered work in our projects. The Grill is still behind significantly, something I am not happy about, to say the least. We have our specifications and all members are perfecting the art of arc welding. It is a tedious process.

Essential question time! This week's inquiry: "Who are ISIS, and why are we dropping bombs on them?" In response, I have been able to research that ISIS, an acronym for "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" is a terrorist group that aims to make Iraq and most of northern Syria into a state ruled by Islamic law. We have bombed them because they have brutally tortured and decapitated American people, not to mention general cruelties and inhumane actions. They have threatened the West and have made terrorist threats. 

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